Aryan Cosmotheism
Etymology of Cosmotheism
The content below is from Brave Browser's AI (I generally dislike the entire concept of AI, but Brave Browser has a decent way of responding to certain questions. However it's a lazy approach that should be seldom employed!)
Cosmotheism is a term coined by Lamoignon de Malesherbes in 1782 to describe the Stoic worship of the cosmos or mundus as a Supreme Being. This concept is rooted in ancient Greek philosophy, particularly in the ideas of Stoicism and Neoplatonism. The term...
About Aryania
I launched Aryania on October 4th 2024, just a month from the November elections. However I've been involved in discovering truth and writing about it since early 2014. However the questions really began at age 20.
I was born to a Christian family within the Baptist community (sometimes Independent, sometime Southern.) By the age of 20 I began to notice problems with Christian tenets while serving in the armed forces and planning for a post-military career in ministry.
What I discovered in my...
A term adopted by William J. Pierce, founder of the National Alliance
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1488: 14 Aryan words and 88 Aryan precepts
1488 refers to writings penned by David Lane (November 2, 1938 – May 28, 2007).
They are...
What really happened when Noah got drunk?
Aryania Disclaimer: The article is not meant to support any Abrahamic faith. The Aryan people...
Eli, priest from 1 Samuel: Good guy or bad?
Aryania Disclaimer: The article is not meant to support any Abrahamic faith. The Aryan people...
Etymology of Cosmotheism
The content below is from Brave Browser's AI (I generally dislike the entire concept of AI, but...
Is Jerusalem The Chosen Place?
Aryania Disclaimer: The article is not meant to support any Abrahamic faith. The Aryan people...
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